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Create Table Instance

You can also create a new Table instance and print it like this

const { Table } = require("console-table-printer");

//Create a table
const p = new Table();

//add rows with color
{ "LineNr.": 1, text: "red wine please", value: 10.212 },
{ color: "red" }
{ "LineNr.": 2, text: "green gemuse please", value: 20.0 },
{ color: "green" }
//adding multiple rows are possible
{ "LineNr.": 3, text: "gelb bananen bitte", value: 100 },
{ "LineNr.": 4, text: "update is working", value: 300 },


Table instance creation

There are 3 ways for Table Instance creation

1. Simplest way

new Table();

2. Only with column names

new Table(["column1", "column2", "column3"]);

3. More Complex way

new Table({
style: "fatBorder", //style of border of the table, (optional)
columns: [
{ name: "column1", alignment: "left", color: "red" }, //with alignment and color
{ name: "column2", alignment: "right" },
{ name: "column3" },
sort: (row1, row2) => row2.column1 - row1.column1, // sorting order of rows (optional)
filter: (row) => row.column1 < 3, // filtering rows (optional)

Functions of table instance

  • addRow(rowObjet, options) adding single row.
  • addRows(rowObjects, options) adding multiple rows. array of row object. This case options will be applied to all the objects in row
  • addColumn(columnObject) adding single column
  • addColumns(columnObjects) adding multiple columns
  • printTable() Prints the table on your console