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Disable all colors and special chars

This way you can render just the pure output as Array of string without any kind of special chars included.

const { Table } = require("console-table-printer");

const p = new Table({
columns: [
{ name: "Serial", alignment: "left", color: "yellow" },
{ name: "text", alignment: "right" },
shouldDisableColors: true, // Disabling all Special chars and also colors

p.addRow({ Serial: 1, text: "red wine", value: 10.212 }, { color: "green" });

p.addRow({ Serial: 2, text: "green Veggies", value: 20.0 });
{ Serial: 3, text: "Yellow Bananas", value: 100, is_priority_today: "Y" },
{ color: "yellow" }
p.addRow({ Serial: 3, text: "Cyan things", value: 100 }, { color: "cyan" });
const ret = p.render();
